Friday, December 16, 2011

Pardon my hiatus.

No, I have not forgotten about this.

It's just that I've been really busy in the last few weeks, and haven't found any time to finish the reviews. I'm playing with the idea of holding this off until either:

A) I get my own copy of the book (using the library's copy creates a WHOLE lot of pressure...)

B) I manage to kick a lot of butt in school and therefore no longer have the need to study for anything anymore or do any homework at all (< the more likely option)

I might discontinue this, I might not, or I might shove PoF aside and review something that I actually have a copy of (which is NO LONGER MONSTER HIGH HOO-YAH).

Or I could scrap everything altogether and review Little Shop of Horrors after I download it onto my phone and watch it for the billionth (read: second) time.

All hilarity aside, I seriously don't know what I'm going to do now, so I'm going to focus more on my semester exams and get back to you later. I'll put a poll up and see what everyone (read: the two people who keep refreshing the page) thinks. Why? Because I can.

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