Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Price of Freedom - Predictions and Prologue

As you might have guessed, I have been waiting for this book for a while. Certain friends have recommended it to me, and told me to read it as soon as possible. Yet, however, I hadn't found the time or resources to find the book until today, and now, long story short, I have it in my hands, and my Pirates of the Caribbean journey has begun a new leg.

Before I officially start reading, I am publicly going to make some predictions about what I think the book is going to have, and as I go I will evaluate these predictions... you know how this works.

So here are Faryl's predictions for The Price of Freedom:

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Price of Freedom

I begged.

I waited.

I begged.

I begged.

I whined.

I complained.

I waited.

I reserved at the library.

I waited.

I complained.

I waited.

I received.

And now I read.