Sunday, March 11, 2012


So as you've already seen by now, the whole chapter-by-chapter thing isn't working out. I might pick up Price of Freedom again some other time, but for now, it's probably going to be held off for a while. Maybe a new post for it will pop up every once in a while, but for now, I'm probably going to stick to WHOLE reviews like my Monster High one. Not only will I be doing book reviews, I'll probably do the occasional movie reviews (and the occasional movie RANT, one of which will be coming up shortly). Maybe, when I have time and a longer attention span, I'll do chapter-by-chapter again, but for now.... don't count on it.

This doesn't mean that I'm going to completely abandon this altogether! This is just where I post all of my... significantly less lame things.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Price of Freedom - Chapter Two: Lady Esmeralda

Hunchback of Notre Dame fanfiction crossover?


When we last left our hero/drunken pirate/former pirate/crouching-drunk-hidden-gentleman, he and his jolly crew of the East India Trading Company of which he is part (yes, THAT Company) were being pursued by a haunting pirate vessel from his past and such. Good Mister Sparrow had commenced to mentally panic about the situation before diving into Flashback Land and explaining to the reader (indirectly, of course) his past relationship to the (female) captain of the ship. As soon as he is snapped back into the present, hilarity ensues, and that is our "heading" for this chapter.