Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Price of Freedom - Chapter Three: Doña Pirata

Why two chapters in a row? I had time, and this one was short.

So here's my summary of chapter three:

Jack and Esme get jiggy.

The end.

Seriously, fifteen out of twenty pages of the chapter involved Jack and Esmeralda talking to each other, flirting, carrying out their prolonged romance and all of that crap. What really irks me about this chapter is oddly the same thing that turned me off On Stranger Tides immediately - Jack in a relationship.

Sure, he was younger, sober, and made a heck of a lot more sense, but it just kind of killed his character to read that once upon a time, he thought of going steady. Maybe this Jack wasn't as interested in freedom as he was in Esmeralda's body. I DON'T KNOW. Maybe it's me being used to Jack's only love being the sea. Again, I DON'T KNOW. What I do know is that one thing I don't like about Sober Jack (this may be one of very few traits) is that he "kicks it up a notch" after seduction (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)

Oh, yeah.

Then again, I'm probably going to have to deal with that.

In closing...
  • I never want to read twenty pages of "getting jiggy" ever again.
  • If I do, I hope it does not involve Captain Jack.
  • Fanfiction is an exception, because... well, what ISN'T there?

If I'm lucky, this is the last time Esme appears in the story until she comes back in On Stranger Tides and I won't have to complain about this anymore. That's certainly a happy thought.

You know what's an even happier thought?

The next chapter.

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